Radon Gas, A Class "A" Carcinogen

Radon is a naturally occuring radioactive gas found in soil everywhere, and it is the single greatest environmental health hazard. Radon, a Class A carcinogen, is the second leading cause of lung cancer after smoking, and may be responsible for as many as 500 deaths a year in New Jersey. Families may be at an even higher risk if there is a smoker living in the home. The EPS recommends remediation if Radon levels are 4 picoCuries (pCi/1) or higher detected in the dwelling.

The National Academy of Sciences estimates that Radon causes in the range of 15,000 to 22,000 lung cancer deaths each year. Radon gas presents one of the highest health risks we face in our daily lives. Radon is a colorless, invisible, odorless and tasteless gas that seeps from soil into homes through cracks and other openings in the foundation walls that are in contact with the soil. These gases build up to hazardous levels and cannot be detected by the human senses, only by using a special test.

How Are Radon Measurements Taken?

Radon gas measurement is an easy process and should be considered by the buyer as part of any real estate transaction. At the time of the Contract of Sale, New Jersey law requires that the Seller provide the Buyer with a copy of the results of any radon testing that has been conducted in the home.

A contingency clause can be included in a real estate contract that allows you to have the home tested for Radon and provides for any mitigation of the home if an elevated level of Radon is found.

What Happens If Radon Is Detected?

Elevated Levels of Radon Are No Cause For Alarm!
An inexpensive test for Radon will first be run in your home. Radon problems are very easily and inexpensively fixed by an EPS or state qualified contractor if it is found that the Radon levels are unacceptable. The cost for mitigation may vary depending on the size and design of the home, and can occasionally cost anywhere from $900.00 to $2500.00.

Radon mitigation systems really work, permanently reducing concentrations by up to 99%. And since most designs completely prevent damp soil air from entering the house, one may notice other indoor air quality improvements as well.

If you are testing a house that you are considering purchasing, you must use the services of a NJDEP Certified Radon Tester. All professionals who perform Radon gas measurement tests or mitigation in New Jersey must be certified.

How Is The Property Tested For Radon?

A "Closed House" condition will need to exist for at least 12 hours before the test can begin. This condition must remain in effect throughout the measurement period. "Closed House" conditions mean that outside windows and doors on all the levels of the home must be kept shut except for normal entry and exiting.

Integrity Real Estate Inspections can test your property for Radon gas while you still enjoy the comfort of your home. ALL TESTS ARE PERFORMED BY A NJDEP LICENSED TECHNICIAN (License # MET11098) AFFILIATED WITH A CERTIFIED LABORATORY.

Scheduling Your Radon Test.
If you are interested in having your home tested for Radon, just give us a call at 1-888-461-6659 to set up an appointment. Remember that we can also perform the necessary mitigation on your home if Radon is detected. Call us today!